we're aren't humans anymore .. we aren't even monsters we're something more gruesome and shapeless ...
some people sells their dignity for less than a dollar and other people pays millions to defend their honor
some women sells their virginity for a punch of cheap drugs and other women cut their self to death because of some crawly creature in human's body toke her virginity
some people spend millions on useless shit and other people don't even have money to buy clothes or even food
more than 52.000 women got raped just in Egypt
more than 106.000 people died this year from wars
more than 260.000 people died this year from starvation
more than 86.000.000 people around the world and most of them are children are homeless
we're going to hell
i don't even know why i'm saying all this .. i just feel like i wanna scream but i can't
sadly, this is true.