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are you a DEMON or an ANGEL ? (personality test)

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 9th, 2013


Every human has a spark. Every spark shines brightly, showing something about the person to those who can see. Everybody is a bit divine. So the question is... Are you most like an angel or a demon?

by answering these 30 easy questions i'll tell you if you're a dark demon or a beautiful angel..

you read the question then ANSWER it first then go to the next one , okay let's start 




1-First. What kind of person you think you are?

[ A ] A good one.

[ B  ] I'm bad.

[ C  ] Mostly neutral.

[  D ] I don't know... just normal I think.


2-You see a scared, dirty and wounded little kitty in a lonely street. In the distance you can hear the barks of huge, vicious dogs. Do you take the kitty with you?

[ A  ]If she wouldn't hiss at me when I approach her.

[ B  ] She's a damn cat, she'll survive on her own.

[ C  ] Poor little thing, come here.

[ D  ] Maybe... if that gives me good karma.


3- I am evil and you know it. Would you kill me if you have the chance knowing that's absolutely the only way to stop me from doing more evilness?

[ A  ] I can understand your darkness, bro...

[ B  ] NO! Everyone is good inside! I'll save you!

[ C  ] I'll kill you but won't feel good about it...

[ D  ]Die, you evil beast!!


4-A really hot girl/guy proposes for sex with you. You barely know her/him, but like her/his personality up to this moment. Do you accept?

[ A ] If we get along well enough... maybe...

[ B ] No, I need to know her/him more.

[ C  ] Only if we both fall in love with each other.

[ D  ] Yeah, I'd like some hot sex.


5-The end is nigh... are you afraid?

[ A  ] Yes... I'm really scared...

[ B  ] I'm in a party... I'll go away having fun.

[  C ] No, 'cause there's always hope.

[  D ] No, I hate this life anyway.


6-You awake and find that a beautiful pair of wings grew on your back while you were asleep. Your reaction:

[ A ] Yeah! Wings!!

[ B  ] I'm somewhat scared, but they're beautiful...

[ C  ] Quick to the doctor to take them away.

[ D  ] Hmm... nice... they add flavor to my person.


7-And the wings are...

[ A  ] Butterfly-like... or whisp-like... cool...

[ B  ] Bird like, soft, soft colored or white.

[ C  ] Dark colored, maybe feathers or leather.

[ D  ] Made of light.


8-I'm a smelly old beggar who looks really ill... I say: "Hey, do ya've sum spare change for a cup'a hat coffe?". You say:

[ A  ] Fuck you!

[ B  ] Here, have 5 bucks.

[ C  ] Go get a damn job.

[ D  ] What?


9-Suddenly, I, the beggar from the last question, transform myself into a huge dark angel with blazing eyes. You:

[ A  ] Run!

[ B  ] Please spare me, oh, angel of wrath!

[ C  ] I knew what you were the whole time.

[ D  ] I'm not impressed, dude.


10-The angel of wrath results to be a demon, so you:

[ A  ] Sell my soul to him.

[  B ] Fight the beast!

[  C ] We have a long chat about human stuff.

[  D ] Uh... good thing I'm already running away...


11-A pregnant woman hits you hard in the ankle with her shopping car. You:

[ A  ] Smile back at her, it was an accident.

[ B  ] Bless her unborn baby.

[ C  ] Wish something bad for her or the baby.

[ D  ] Yell at her! That hurts!


12-Naked body.

[  A ] Sinful!

[  B ] Beautiful.

[  C ] Art.

[ D  ] Yay! Sex time!



[ A  ] Evil!

[  B ] Just a number.

[  C ] 999

[  D ] Yes. Come to me...


14-How physically beautiful are you?

[ A  ] I'm cute

[ B  ] Absolutely hot.

[  C ] Aww... I'm such an ugly thing!

[  D ] I have a good look.


15-Are you intelligent?

[ A  ] A real genius.

[ B  ] So-so... maybe average.

[  C ] I can outsmart you whenever I want.

[ D  ] Nah... I'm stupid.


16-Where will you go if you die?

[  A ] Hell or someplace great like that.

[  B ] Heaven, to exist in eternal bliss.

[  C ] Nowhere, I'll be dead. Duh!

[  D ] A really dark place where I'll be forgotten.


17-Save me...

[ A  ] I have my own troubles.

[ B  ] Here, have my knife and cut.

[ C  ] Let me mend your weary soul.

[ D  ] I'll be here, even if that's all I can do.


18-Hey, I have a million dollars here and it's for you, but if you take it, somebody you don't know and who lives far away from you, will die. Do we have a deal?

[ A  ] I don't want your money, evil tempter!

[  B ] Gimme the money.

[  C ] May I think about it?


19-Okay... and what if I offer you one BILLION dollars but instead of 1 will be one hundred people you don't know?

[  A ] Yeah, more money for me!!

[  B ] I already said no to your tricks!

[ C  ] Okay... I accept...

[  D ] No way! One hundred is a huge number!



[ A  ] A cute baby breastfeeding. Awww...

[  B ] Being a total jerk.

[ C  ] Yummy... sex...

[ D  ] A night creature drinking human blood.


21-What do you like more, day or night?

[ A  ] Night

[ B  ] Day

[  C ] Twilight or dawn

[ D  ] The void


22-Would you exchange the soul of the worst person you know in the whole world for a perfect love for the rest of your life? You needn't to do anything, just say yes or not.

[  A ] Yes, that bastard deserves it anyway.

[ B  ] No... real love can't be attained by that means.

[  C ] Damn, hard question... I must think about it.


23-Your perfect relationship requires:

[ A  ] Pain... love is pain...

[  B ] Great sex!

[ C  ] Uh... love?

[  D ] Compromise and respect.


24-God calls you and announces the end of the world. Then asks you how you'd like it to end. Your choice is:

[ A  ] Ascension or evolution of the good souls

[  B ] God's wrath, lots of blood and fire

[  C ] I can't decide that! I'd like it to go on!

[ D  ] Darkness and oblivion


25-God sends you a divine gift certificate, you can exchange it for: A) True love, a happy and healthy life, and wealthy; or B) World peace and goodbye to illness and hunger.

[ A  ] A

[  B ] B

[ C  ] None

[  D ] Can't I have both?


26-During your childhood you were more like the bully or the bullied?

[ A  ] Bullied

[  B ] Bully

[  C ] Defender of the bullied

[  D ] Sometimes one, sometimes the other


27-you are most of a good person if you:

[ A  ] Attend religious ceremonies

[  B ] Help people in need

[  C ] Look for your family

[  D ] Commit no crimes


28-You are most of an evil person if you:

[ A  ] Are an atheist

[ B  ] Cause harm to others for your benefit

[ C  ] Are indifferent to other people troubles

[ D  ] Do drugs


29-I'm a little elf outside your window (and a really cute one that can also be either male or female, depending on your preferences). I think you're interesting and will stay there, looking at you. You...

[ A  ] Shoot me!

[ B  ] Close the courtains! Scary creature!

[ C  ] Invite me in for a chat.

[ D  ] Invite me in and have sex.


30-I'm a dark avenger and gonna punish you for all your evil deeds.

[ A  ] Ha! I'll do even more evil, you can't stop me!

[ B  ] It wasn't me! This is an error!

[ C  ] I'm innocent, but I'll defend myself from you.

[ D  ]Already running away...



okay you're done , let's see what's inside you 


You bored?


Well, here we go:
1) D
2) C
3) C
4) C
5) B
6) A
7) B
8) B
9) A
10) D
11) A
12) B
13) B
14) A
15) D
16) D
17) B
18) C
19) D
20) D
21) A
22) A
23) D
24) A
25) D
26) D
27) B
28) C
29) B
30) D

You're among a really rare kind of persons. Maybe neutral, really balanced, or just way too timid as to flare with light or be covered by shadows. You can get attracted to either side, even become amoral, but yet, your vision is unique and necessary for balance, since in your hands is the fabric that puts together the Yin and the Yang. Some legends say that the Fae were part of the Celestial Courts during Lucifer's Rebellion, but these beings didn't join either the rebels nor the defenders, and when the war was over, they were expulsed from the Glory but not sent to Hell since they we're not really evil but neither really good. Besides the lengends, remember that the power of balance and choice is in your hands. You can still try to be a demon, an angel, or stay where you are.

1. D

You're nice, kind, idealist and good. You watch for others and like to be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a soul is the most important so that it must be well cared. You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance. Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel. In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.

I already know i'm both in one lol.


OMG, so much questions, ok anyway:
1. A
2. C
3. B

you're too lazy to be an angel :P

1. C
2. C

You're nice, kind, idealist and good. You watch for others and like to be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a soul is the most important so that it must be well cared. You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance. Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel. In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.

Why deny what's truely there? XD i'm a neutral mix of both it is good lol.

aren't you too lazy for that ? :P why don't you start with answering them ^^

sorry, it submitted accidentally, continuing:
4. B
5. E (I would pray for Jesus for forgiving all the sins of people and have mercy)
6. B, but this probably will happen xD
7. D, I don't think I'm that evil to get dark wings xD
8. I would cry and say B
9. D
10. E (close my eyes and pray for God, because without him I'm nothing)
11. A or D, depending on the power, but anyway, I would forgive him, it was an accident :)
12. A, dressed bodies for me are even more beautiful (somehow).
13. A or B depending on the context
14. D
15. B
16. E (where God says)
17. C ("Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”)
18. A ("it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”)
19. B
20. I don't know what to say about this, none of the options matched and I have no idea what to write
21. E (no preference, but I think night is more beautiful).
22. B
23. D of course, and love (I don't mean sex).
24. E (forgave all the sins of people and let all of them have the eternal life)
25. B, this world don't have peace anymore and this is much more important than my health, even if there weren't the "goodbye to illness and hunger", I would choose B.
26. C
27. A, B, C and D, all of them are needed.
28. B, but every option is evil.
29. E (close my eyes, this is a Disney's nightmare xD), kidding, I don't think this is possible to happen.
30. E (I know my sins, and I would pray to God with eyes closed: "if I am about to die now, please save my soul")

You're nice, kind, idealist and good. You watch for others and like to be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a soul is the most important so that it must be well cared. You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance. Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel. In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.

1: A
2: C
3: C
4: B
5: C
6: D
7: B
8: B(You have NO IDEA how many times I want to give Money to the Homeless)
9: D
10: B
11: A and B
12: A
13: A
14: I dunno actually. And I don't really care how I look all that much.
15: A
16: B
17: B and C
19: B and D
20: A
21: Both A and B.
22: B
23: D
24: None of the Above. The end of the World is already said in Revelations, my opinion will be disregarded on this issue.
25: B
26: A and C
27: All of them.
28: B,C and D. Religion doesn't tell how evil you are. Doesn't tell how good you are either.
29: C
30: C

Mk ready for my results SileNt-Sam.

You're nice, kind, idealist and good. You watch for others and like to be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a soul is the most important so that it must be well cared. You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance. Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel. In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.

Why answer if I know that i'm both XD

lol okay okay ^^

1. C
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. C
11. A
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. A
25. B
26. D
27. B
28. B
29. C
30. D

Here ya go ^-^

angel , You watch for others and like to be helpful, love is the purest form of bliss given to humanity and a soul is the most important so that it must be well cared. You represent the light side. The Yang side of nature. Life, light. Your goodness makes you necessary for cosmic balance. Note that the higher your Score Range, the more good you are, so, if your score is around 60, you're perfectly nice but not too different from most people, yet more inclined to that side of reality. In the other hand, if your score reaches one hundred for some reason... gods, maybe you are a real angel. In a second note, if you're really HIGH in your score, just remember not to sacrifice too much. You're way too special to go away in a single burst, so watch yourself and good luck.

Okay okay lol for shits and giggles i'l do it XD when i get back to the dorms.

haha okay ^^


There you go sam lol :D

aww you're not that bad after all ^^
You're among a really rare kind of persons. Maybe neutral, really balanced, or just way too timid as to flare with light or be covered by shadows. You can get attracted to either side, even become amoral, but yet, your vision is unique and necessary for balance, since in your hands is the fabric that puts together the Yin and the Yang. Some legends say that the Fae were part of the Celestial Courts during Lucifer's Rebellion, but these beings didn't join either the rebels nor the defenders, and when the war was over, they were expulsed from the Glory but not sent to Hell since they we're not really evil but neither really good. Besides the lengends, remember that the power of balance and choice is in your hands. You can still try to be a demon, an angel, or stay where you are.

1 A
2 C
3 B
4 A
5 C - lol
6 A
7 C - fuck yeah
8 B
9 B - lol
10 C
11 A
12 D - Yay indeed.
13 B
14 D - This is kinda vain lol.
15 B - This is also somewhat vain. I think I am smart but - there are ton of people more intelligent.
16 C
17 D
18 A - Money doesn't make happiness.
19 D - " " " "
20 C
21 ACD? - Can I do this?
22 B - Guilt?
23 D
24 C - Assuming....
25 B - It would be stupid to gift one person over 7.1 billion. Needs of the many > Needs of the few.
26 C - Bullying pissed me off so much. I wasn't bullied often but my close friends were. Bastards.
27 B
28 B - Even if you don not benefit....
29 C
30 C - Evil is relative to the person. Everyone has a different definition.

18- that's enough for me to know you're an angel
21- yup why not :P
22- good choice
28-that's the right choice , why do you think i'd choose other choice ?
well , you passed the test with high score :P angel

You're copy-pasting all the replies >_< xD

i can't make a reply for every one >.<


you got the qualifications to be an angel

16.A Even if I do get to heaven they say that you can look at the people you love and care about from there seeing your loved ones grieve and missing important parts of there lives at the end your sadness will turn into wrath and wrath is a sin and sinners go to hell

16- god is more merciful to his believers than a women to her baby , who knows .. he might let you be with the people you love
you're an angel of course

1 A 11 a 22 b
2 c 12 b 23 d
3 c 13 a 24 c
4 c&b 15 d 25 B with no regret.
5 c 16 I hope B 26 sadly A
6 b 17 C&D 27 B
7 b 18 a. 28 B
8 b 19 b 29 Either B or C
9 a 20 b 30 C
10 d 21 b

by reading these i can tell you're a good person , get your wings up you're an angel

(1) C (2) C (3) D (4) A (5) C (6) A (7) C (8) B (9) D (10) C Even go i love a good fight i love a good chat more.
(11) A, (12) B (13) A (14) D (15) C (16) D (17) D (18) C (19) D (20) D (21) A (22) B (23) D (24) A (25) B (26) D (27) B (28) B (29) C (30) C

here is your wings sir

1)C 2)A 3)A 4)B 5)B 6)A 7)C 8)B 9)D 10)B 11)D 12)C 13)D 14)D 15)A 16)C 17)C 18)C 19)C 20)D 21)A 22)A 23)C 24)C 25)D 26)D 27)D 28)A 29)C 30)A

you still need to know more things before you can be an angel , but your score isn't bad

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