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WHY you're still a VIRGIN ? (VIRGINS ONLY)

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 12th, 2013


you know what , fuck school .. i'm gonna be a fucking psychiatric 4206973_138689286083_a94f9109ab1783fc222c5367fd21813a-d4cw2tq.png

i'm back with another test , but this one is for virgins only ^^

have you ever woundered why you're still virgin ? well , all what you gotta do is answering these questions HONESTLY and i might be able to tell you why ..

sooooo let's just do it for the heck of it and i might do it too :P

okay okay let's start this shit  4206973_138689290432_fuck_yea__by_rober_raik-d4clvrz.png






1) umm okay first things first , How often do you masturbate? 4206973_138689305221_me_gusta_by_rober_raik-d4clrpu.png

A- Hardly Ever (or not at all)

B- Occasionally

C- Regularly

D- Whenever the door is closed and I am all alone


2) When you are masturbating do you normally fantasize about someone in particular? 4206973_138689313853_why_not__by_rober_raik-d4czhw0.png

A- No, I just do it

B- Sometimes

C- Of course, always


3) When do you most want to lose your virginity?  4206973_138689318532_cereal_guy_interested_by_rober_raik-d4cluqb.png

A- As soon as possible

B- Wait until I meet the perfect match

C- I'll screw the first thing that moves my way

D- Who said I want to lose it?


4) If someone you were attracted to asked you out on a date, and then put the moves on you, what would you do?

A- Tell them I am not ready

B- Tell them to be gentle

C- Say nothing and Faint


5) What kind of experience would you like your first partner to have?

A- a little experience

B- be VERY experienced

C- It doesn't matter

D- more experience than Shadman 


6) Would you be willing to try anything kinky (something ABOVE what most people consider "normal sex") on your first time? 

A- Absolutely

B- If my partner's good at it, yes

C- Maybe, it depends on what.

D- No, at least not the first time


7) How often do you look at Pornography?  4206973_138689208952_151380.gif

A- Regularly

B- Occasionally

C- Rarely

D- Why I never!


8) Notice the difference between the last question and this one: How LARGE is your porn collection?

A- Hugh Hefner is envious

B- Plenty to get me By

C- Smaller than I'd like

D- Porn Collection? What Porn Collection?


9) Do you think that a majority of your friends are still virgins? 

A- Definately Not

B- Not entirely sure

C- I think most of my friends are virgins

D- Huh? Virgins don't have friends! 4206973_138689335043_forever_alone_by_rober_raik-d4clvo4.png


10) Are you a virgin by choice or has the opportunity just not arrived yet?

A- I have sworn celibacy

B- I am saving myself for the right person

C- Haven't had the opportunity to lose it

D- What makes you think I'd want to be a virgin? 4206973_138689462562_are_you_fucking_kidding_me_by_rober_raik-d4clstk.png


11) If you had a choice of who's bedroom you could lose your virginity in, which would you pick?

A- My Bedroom

B- Their (The Cherry Popper) Bedroom

C- Parent's Bedroom

D- Motel Bedroom


12) When on a date, how would you react if your date began to make advances on you in public?

A- Calmly tell them to stop

B- Slap them across the face

C- Turn bright red, and keep silent

D- Return the favor


13) Whom do you talk most openly with about sex? 4206973_138689344063_fumanchu_by_rober_raik-d4cwdfu.png

A- Nobody

B- Your Friends

C- Your Parents

D- Your Dates


14) If you could have sex as often as you wanted to, would you be more sexually active than most of the people you know personally?

A- Hell Yeah

B- Probably

C- I don't know

D- Not at all


15) If you could have sex as often as you wanted to AND have a partner willing, would you be more kinky than most of the people you know personally?


B- Probably

C- I can't say for sure

D- is French Kissing considered kinky?


16) Do you already know the person you want to lose your virginity with?

A- yes, but they don't know it yet

B- Yes, and they know it

C- I haven't met that person yet

D- does the person I sat next to on the bus count?


17) If your first time, your partner suggested something you're not really into, what would you do?

A- Tell them I don't want to

B- Do it anyway for them

C- Tell them I want to stop and not go further

D- Do it for them if they repaid the favor


18) I think I am still a virgin due to:

A- My Looks

B- My Attitude

C- My own personal decision

D- My Social Life (or lack there-of)


19) Now the fun part, Does the idea of getting caught having sex excite you?

A- Very Much

B- A Little

C- I don't think about it

D- No, it terrifies me


20) Are you interested in any extreme fetishes? (Bondage, Anal, Feet, Torture, etc,) 

4206973_138689392131_awesome-bondage-pic.jpg 4206973_138689403132_awesome-bdsm-pic.jpg4206973_138689412821_hot-bondage-picture.jpg4206973_138689427331_hot-bdsm-pic.jpg

A- Of course, aren't you?

B- Maybe.... 

C- I'm..... not telling



21) What gender would you like the first person you have sex with to be?

A- A Guy

B- A Girl

C- Either, I'm bi

D- The first one that wants me!


22) How do you think you will perform sexually your first time? 4206973_138689448462_bob_suspicious_by_rober_raik-d4e0gas.png

A- Great, I have studied all there is to know!

B- Good I hope

C- I'm not really sure

D- I won't last five seconds


23) Do you have role-play fantasies?

A- Yes, Alot!

B- Sometimes

C- Not really

D- What's role-playing got to do with anything?


24) How long do you think it will be before you will lose your virginity? (just give a best guess)

A- A few weeks

B- A few months

C- A few years

D- Ha! who says I'm ever gonna lose it?


25) How much do you know about sex?

A- Only what my parents told me

B- I've read all there is to read

C- Enough to know what I am doing

D- More than Shadman 


26) When you first make love, how do you think you will be around your partner?

A- Shy

B- Excited

C- Scared

D- All of the above


27) How do you think your first time will be?

A- Wonderful

B- Terrible

C- Alright

D- I really wouldn't know


28) Do you think being a virgin is a plus when dating?

A- I think it makes me seem more exciting

B- I wouldn't know

C- I don't think it makes a difference

D- I think being highly experienced is better


29) Are you shy about admitting to people that you're a virgin?

A- I am VERY shy

B- I only tell people I know really well

C- I'm not shy about it.

D- I tell everyone I am a virgin


30) What terrifies you the most about your first time?

A- My Performance

B- My Partner

C- What people will think

D- That it might never happen


ahhhhh god we're done :D i hope you answered everything honestly and you didn't get your pants down yet =.=


Duh, I will have sex with all girls except drugged ones

good luck with that ^^

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. Just be quiet and let it happen.
5. Only a tad bit. Maybe. Doesn't really matter to me.
6. C
7. See question #1.
8. D
9. Yes, but I don't really give or receive much advice from/to them.
10. No idea, waiting for the right person to lose it with, probably.
11. Probably A.
12. I would probably say "Lets go back to my place, then." Idk or just wait and let it unfold.
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. Yeah, they probably don't know it yet.
17. D, unless it was weird.
18. A little bit of A, A little C, and a little bit of D.
19. C
20. No, I don't like most of those things.
21. B
22. Hahaha A
23. C
24. I say, I have no idea. Few years maybe.
25. B
26. D
27. Probably frightening. Or great.
28. C
29. People don't ask
30. A, but I probably won't have to worry about it.

Thanks Sam! I love these surveys.

16- everyone knows that feel ^^
17- hmmm
18- yeah that's the most common answer
22- haha ^^
24- it's all about fate.. i guess
27- i hope so ^^
well , you've got as much chance as an average virgin does, which probably isn't saying much , but i really hope you enjoyed this and you'll find the right one for u soon :D

1. C
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. C
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. C
16. A
17. B
18. All of the above
19. B
20. D
21. B
22. C
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. D
27. D
28. B
29. A
30. D
All of them were answered honestly bro

18- hmmm
24- good good
umm , i'm not the one who should tell you that but i really think you have a chance , with a radical make-over and someone good enough, you may have a shot

3-B (personnaly, i think its better to lose it when im older. +18)
18-B I am too shy

This for satan? You evil bastard. Why you hate Christ.

1: B
2: C
3: B not original but it's true :D
4: B
5: C
6: D
7: B
8: B saving for dark days
9: C
10: B
11: B
12: A
13: B
14: B
15: C
16: C
17: B
18: C I'll find that special someone
19: D
20: D
21: B
22: B
23: C
24: C
25: C
26: D
27: C
28: B
29: C
30: A

For virgins only?
Okay =w=

What the fuck is your problem, kid

5.C. Basically, I want him to be a virgin, too. So, it'll be OUR first time.
6.A. I like it that way.
7.A. As you can see on my favorites!
8.C. I basically don't want to be bisexual.
9.C. One of my friends is a prostitute. But, she's still a good friend!
10.B. I want that special guy.
11.A. Because FISH and YOLO.
12.B. My brother does NOT approve of this.
14.C. I'm not a slut.
15.C. Look at 14 again.
19.D. My bro is going to be furious.
21.A. I'm a girl, duh!
22.B. Looking at porn can really pay off.
25.C. Look at 22 again.

1: A
2: None of the above.
3: D(Sort of)
4: Probably B.
5: C
6: D
7: C
8: D
9: A probably.
10: A
11: A (Or B)
12: Probably C SOMETIMES A if I get really embarrassed.
13: A. I MIGHT make the acception with Friends(B).
14: C or D, it depends is all.
15: D or C.
16: Probably A.
17: Either B or A. Depends on WHAT they suggest.
18: C and D(If this was Personality it'd be D and that's it).
19: C and D.
20: D
21: B duh.
22: A and B (For A, it's cause I watched Porn almost 24/7 when I was 13-14. Learned ALL about it from that crap).
23: A HECK YES! You got NO IDEA what I think about when it's something Sexual heh.
24: C
25: D
26: D (Take out the C one).
27: A and D at the same time.
28: A or B.
29: D
30: Um... I have no clue um... Maybe B or A?