Ice cream? anyone?... o.o

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what i HATE about DeviantArt

Posted by SileNt-Sam - May 29th, 2014

that site is really fucked you know .. take this for example


the creator of this pic toke hours to make it done .. and he only had couple reviews saying "nice work." 


in the other hand .. we have THIS :

it only toke her 3 minutes to get half naked and take a selfie ... 

and the comments sector was like :

"" Nice shot of you without your bra on <3

Very sensual teasing pic.  ;)  Well done

beautiful boobs

Very cute an sexy. Lovely model



simply gorgeous!

Very Beautiful

SEXY!!! "

and it goes on till 3 pages of comments saying how "cute" she is .. plus over 300 download and 182 fav >.>


for fucks sake that artist toke HOURS working on that peice and ALL what he got was a couple comments saying "nice work" ??? 

while the other one toke her few minutes to get naked and take a pic .. and she gets all that ?? just for taking a naked pic of herself ?? 

that's disgusting !



The human body in and of itself is art. But only if it is done tastefully.
some art stands out to some and other art stands out more to others. It's different and based on that persons likes and dislikes so naturally if they are pervs they will always comment on those type of pictures. I'm not saying being a perv is bad but you got to show restraint even if it's a picture of a half nude girl.

Personally i don't think DA is a place for that type of content (regardless if they say it's art or not) just my opinion so it doesn't really matter.
The admins on DA are well idek to be honest because looking at it they are 10x better than HentaiFoundry.. and don't get me started on HF... let's just leave it at i had some disagreements with them and decided to leave.

Where as Newgrounds and DA have standards but arn't A-holes about it. Both DA and Newgrounds are Ideal choices for starting out and making a name for yourself. you can also move into Tumblr and Pixiv those sites are good for arranging a wide variety of art together.

but back to the top two pics.. It is what it is.. no matter how disgusted you are with it nothing will change. It is better to just move onward with your life and let it go as is.

the human's is art itself i'm with you on that but you can't just exploit your body to get more fans or attention .. you have to earn that ... i mean lets imagine that girl was born with bad looking body .. do you think people would give her the same attention ?
what she did isn't what disgusting .. but the idea of these sluts getting all that attention just because they've born with good looking bodies .. THAT'S gross .. there's many other people deserves much more attention from the world .. and no one gives a fuck about them just because they didn't born with big boobs or pretty faces .. that;s totally wrong !
well ... yeah i guess what i'm saying won't change anything so i'll just have to get over it >.>

That's why NG is GENIUS. everyone is allowed to post their talent but not everyone will get into the portal not to mention getting featured. plus, they don't count "getting naked" as a talent.

But seriously, awesome tits

indeed , that's why i love this site ^^
lol yeah we still can't deny that

Thanks for proving my point dude xD
A well developed body always gets the fortune.

my pleasure ^^
sadly yeah =.=

I'd bang that biatch.
No not the half naked one. The white girl with blood.
...don't judge fetishes bro. *Shrug* ;3

dude that's wrong ! that's exactly why i made this post don't you see tha.... oh .. ohhh you mean THAT one ? :3

Man,I wish I have that sexy girl :D

which one ? O.o

I'll be honest the girl looks young and beautiful. I can call that "Natural Beauty" unless the boobs are fake...
For the art piece, well that's different, I consider it as "Artistic Beauty" and I respect that because I'm studying art myself (still a novice) and I know how it could be difficult to make art!
Different angles give different perspectives! No-thing is completely bad, no-thing is completely good is what my life experience tells me ^^

like AstralK said , human's body itself is art .. but you can't exploit that to get whatever you want :\
other than that i agree with you ^^

Yeah, that's why we don't do photos here. It's all about the hours/days/weeks/months of work put into it, like this girl's stuff! http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/640145

indeed ! that's why i love this site ^^

And thats why i dont use devian art :D

good choice :D

DevianTART's, that's what I'm gonna tell you.

nuff aid ^^

Nope, they can! The proof is that she did take the pic! There's even people making business from stuff like these... You know the rest of the story, you can't turn them away of what they like!

If you mean they should not, well this is a different story, I can't come up with a clear answer to why they should not! It's their own bodies after all. In most cases "Yes they should not" would be a function of the dogmas that control my way of thinking. Things like religion, stupid in-discussable politics and stuff I learned when I was a kid. Or do you see a huge difference between a porn star and a whore?
If I clear my mind of such stuff I could get plenty of other reasons for why I should work on my art instead (no offense) ^^. I like to be famous one day but currently it's not my main interest in life. People are not always following sexual interests, there are other ways I could get them to follow me. Take PewDiePie's channel as an example, just an example I'm not a huge fan of him and I know youtube is not a big deal but this is a reality. Pewds has one of the highest ranking channels and it continues to grow up as far as I know. The guy has no boobs to show after all (of course you take down all the fake ones firstly XD)

Typically you are into A rated art. Isn't it, huh?
Why not getting inspired by some of these pics, there's beauty in almost everything...
Or do you get your inspiration outside the planet?

This is my own interpretation of things, don't take my stuff as pure gold. See what works for you and that's it friend ^^

good point , i'm not sure if i agree with you or not .. but still good point ^^

this device can't download images, so i don't know exactly what you are talking about.

but i get what you are saying, someone gets little praise for hours of work, but somebody gets a bunch of comments for a picture!

people like that are just sad.

here is what i do to calm myself down:

read a percy jackson or heroes of olympus book

look at funny internet memes( i recommend falcon punch memes)

indeed ..
actually yeah i need some memes to kill this depression :\

Thats the internet i guess...


I still can't decide which is creepier.

indeed O.o

I really wanna bang her,fuck her.


What was I thinking again x_X

dirty mind again ? :P

Meh, it's just another example of a female going online to get attention.
One of the reasons i don't go to DeviantArt so much now is because it's not about art anymore, it's just bronies, nudes and random shit.

indeed .. what a shame :\

Pff, that's dA for ya.


I feel you man. I have a instagram where I upload my art, and to even get likes, I need tags. But there's girls who upload selfies without tags and get much more likes, much more comments, much more followers. >.< Why is this a thing. Is the art community going down or something??? Selfies don't even take long to do, nor they're intresting to look at, cause they're all the same. If the selfie is good, sure, let it be, but I only come across pure shit on instagram.

indeed , and not only on instagram .. this shit happens everywhere else

Agreed, I actually worked 3 hard hours on a 1.8 (more complex than 1.7) minecraft skin and I was for a contest. I was disqualified and didn't get to re enter for no enough description. Someone got in with a non relevant skin and had a skin that I could have done in a mere 15 minutes!

ikr .. this would is unfair :P

What a lot of people don't understand is that naked chicks are just better to look at.
Sure the above picture is really neat, but that half naked girl is much better because TITS.

I get your complaint, but that's just how it is.

Like imagine a really nicely drawn picture, and an image of a woman spreading her vagina.
Obviously the latter is going to get viewed more because it's just generally better to look at.

Not everyone cares for art, but just about everyone cares for pornography.

It's the same with videos, really.
You have nice documentaries about cool, interesting stuff, and then you have porn which has five times as many views.

yup .. why did god created TITS >.>

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