Ice cream? anyone?... o.o

Age 26


Joined on 6/30/12

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SileNt-Sam's News

Posted by SileNt-Sam - January 14th, 2014

umm i guess there is no other way to say it o.O last night i got my self drunk as fuck :l 

it's not my first time i taste alcholic drink but it's the first time i get REALLY drunk .. oh fuck my head still hurts :\

also i did something really dumb last night and i'm not sure if it works or not .. if it did that'll be awesome and if not i'd be just ruined something i've been planning for it for 6 months now ... i guess i should be thankful cuz i wouldn't have the balls to do it if i wasn't that drunk .. i won't tell you what is it right now but i'll tell u if it worked out @.@

PS: you should really never try this before 18 .. it was my first and last time =.=

have a good time ^^

Posted by SileNt-Sam - January 13th, 2014

i just arrived to Jordan-Amman with my few best friends to spend the next 2 weeks left from our vacation :D 


ohhhh that's goona be fun :P 



Posted by SileNt-Sam - January 11th, 2014


Posted by SileNt-Sam - January 5th, 2014


They're coming.  You know they are.  It's just a matter of time before a shambling, groaning, and questionably-dressed group of mindless ex-humans hound your every step.  But once the political campaigners have left, the zombies will follow soon after!

What will be your role?

answer the following:



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You awake to find that the Zombie Apocalypse is in full swing.  You:


A- Get to the army base where the real toys are.

B- Take a shotgun and start scouting around.

C- Grab a beer.  Zombies are slow, why hurry things?

D- Board up the windows.  Deeeefense!

E- Grab your teddy-bear.  Make the bad men go away!




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You see a small group of survivors moving slowly down a street.  You:


A- Take charge.  People need a leader.

B- Give them advice.  People are dumb.

C- Do nothing.  People can take care of themselves.

D- Ask for help.  People mean safety.

E- Hope they'll distract the Zombies.  People are tasty.





What is your weapon-of-choice for killing these ravenous ex-humans?


A- A gun.  The bigger, the better.

B- A Sword.  Shiny, sharp, and doesn't run out of ammo.

C- A baseball bat.  Such a satisfying thud!

D- A trap.  Safety-first means killing from a distance.

E- Not being there.  Let 'em starve.




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In a group of food, er, survivors, where would we find you?


A- I'd lead from the front, looking all hardcore and stuff.

B- I'd be in the shadows. Those ninja movies are finally paying off!

C- I'd go where I'm needed, depending on the situation. 

D- I'd stay with the main group, as it's a better defensive position.

E- I'd be in the middle of the group, so these other idiots can shield me.







First, how's your Zombie Apocalypse fashion?


A- Black leather and buckles, baby.  I need to look the part!

B- Military camouflage.  Let's be professional, people.

C- Street clothes.  An apocalypse doesn't mean I can't be comfy.

D- Hard-wearing clothes and sensible shoes.  I'd rather not make a statement.

E- Athletic gear.  Keeps me cool while I run away.







What music best fits your role in the Zombie Apocalypse?


A- Rock.  I need my blood pumping while I'm dishing out the punishment.

B- Techno.  Precision and energy are the hallmarks of my lethality.

C- Rap or Hip-hop.  Zombie-bashing with style and rhythm.

D- Classical.  Something to soothe the nerves and keep everyone calm.

E- Hymns.  A chariot swinging low would be good right about now.





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Some members of your group want to make a run for it, but you're sure they're only dooming themselves.  You:


A- Tell them to sit down and shut up.

B- Put the facts in front of them and try to get them to see sense.

C- Shrug your shoulders and let them get on with it.

D- Wish them all the best.  After all, maybe they're right?

E- Actively encourage them to go.  Well-fed Zombies are less of a threat.





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Would you want to be in a group of survivors, or on your own?

A- I'd be best as a group leader.

B- I'd prefer to use my skills within a group.

C- Meh, either way.

D- I'd prefer the freedom of not being in a group.

E- I work alone.  The weak hold me back.







Would you rather:


A- Lead an elite military group against the Zombie horde.

B- Be a member of the above elite group.

C- Be a civilian, getting by as needed until help arrives.

D- Be a loner, using your skills to survive without help.

E Be a Zombie hunter, always working alone.





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The Zombie Apocalypse is:


A- Seriously awesome.  I get to kill Zombies!

B- Kinda cool.  Definitely fixable.

C- Whatever.  Something to do, I guess.

D- Horrible.  How could such a thing happen?

E- Appalling.  Won't someone think of the children?





would u survive ?

Posted by SileNt-Sam - January 5th, 2014

4206973_138895845643_n.jpgis it that bad to be fat ? O.o 

Posted by SileNt-Sam - January 3rd, 2014

damn she's good :D


Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 31st, 2013





oh man that was one hell of a night XD

HAAAAAAAAAAAPPY new year everyone :D


Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 29th, 2013

happy new year c:


aaaaaaaaand since you're reading this :3 dat means you're sitting home "feeling" 4206973_138835560282_forever_alone_by_rober_raik-d4clvo4.png




everyone else is enjoying the eve :P

cheers :D


Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 28th, 2013

nah it's more like angry libyans ^w^


lol i love these people even if they're retarded :P

oh and about that fight :D i toke this babe with me ^^




lol somehow these stuff is legal :P but i didn't even had to use it and everything ended up in peace ^_^

also i didn't finish my finals yet but till now i passed them all with high mark c:

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 23rd, 2013

da fuck did i just did4206973_138783733771_a94f9109ab1783fc222c5367fd21813a-d4cw2tq.png

lol i just started a fight on facebook with these bears


lol i'm not the one who started the fight , actually it's my friend on the left :P

4206973_138784499083_IMAG0748-1.jpgit's his fault but i sticked my ass in too XD

oh god XD

they said they're gonna kill us on Thursday after school ^_^

yay :P

lol i didn't fight anyone from a while , i probabbly gonna lose some teeth on Thursday but i think that's gonna be fun :P

also i didn't finish my finals yet so sorry for being unactive