They're coming. You know they are. It's just a matter of time before a shambling, groaning, and questionably-dressed group of mindless ex-humans hound your every step. But once the political campaigners have left, the zombies will follow soon after!
What will be your role?
answer the following:
You awake to find that the Zombie Apocalypse is in full swing. You:
A- Get to the army base where the real toys are.
B- Take a shotgun and start scouting around.
C- Grab a beer. Zombies are slow, why hurry things?
D- Board up the windows. Deeeefense!
E- Grab your teddy-bear. Make the bad men go away!
You see a small group of survivors moving slowly down a street. You:
A- Take charge. People need a leader.
B- Give them advice. People are dumb.
C- Do nothing. People can take care of themselves.
D- Ask for help. People mean safety.
E- Hope they'll distract the Zombies. People are tasty.
What is your weapon-of-choice for killing these ravenous ex-humans?
A- A gun. The bigger, the better.
B- A Sword. Shiny, sharp, and doesn't run out of ammo.
C- A baseball bat. Such a satisfying thud!
D- A trap. Safety-first means killing from a distance.
E- Not being there. Let 'em starve.
In a group of food, er, survivors, where would we find you?
A- I'd lead from the front, looking all hardcore and stuff.
B- I'd be in the shadows. Those ninja movies are finally paying off!
C- I'd go where I'm needed, depending on the situation.
D- I'd stay with the main group, as it's a better defensive position.
E- I'd be in the middle of the group, so these other idiots can shield me.

First, how's your Zombie Apocalypse fashion?
A- Black leather and buckles, baby. I need to look the part!
B- Military camouflage. Let's be professional, people.
C- Street clothes. An apocalypse doesn't mean I can't be comfy.
D- Hard-wearing clothes and sensible shoes. I'd rather not make a statement.
E- Athletic gear. Keeps me cool while I run away.

What music best fits your role in the Zombie Apocalypse?
A- Rock. I need my blood pumping while I'm dishing out the punishment.
B- Techno. Precision and energy are the hallmarks of my lethality.
C- Rap or Hip-hop. Zombie-bashing with style and rhythm.
D- Classical. Something to soothe the nerves and keep everyone calm.
E- Hymns. A chariot swinging low would be good right about now.
Some members of your group want to make a run for it, but you're sure they're only dooming themselves. You:
A- Tell them to sit down and shut up.
B- Put the facts in front of them and try to get them to see sense.
C- Shrug your shoulders and let them get on with it.
D- Wish them all the best. After all, maybe they're right?
E- Actively encourage them to go. Well-fed Zombies are less of a threat.
Would you want to be in a group of survivors, or on your own?
A- I'd be best as a group leader.
B- I'd prefer to use my skills within a group.
C- Meh, either way.
D- I'd prefer the freedom of not being in a group.
E- I work alone. The weak hold me back.

Would you rather:
A- Lead an elite military group against the Zombie horde.
B- Be a member of the above elite group.
C- Be a civilian, getting by as needed until help arrives.
D- Be a loner, using your skills to survive without help.
E Be a Zombie hunter, always working alone.
The Zombie Apocalypse is:
A- Seriously awesome. I get to kill Zombies!
B- Kinda cool. Definitely fixable.
C- Whatever. Something to do, I guess.
D- Horrible. How could such a thing happen?
E- Appalling. Won't someone think of the children?
would u survive ?