Every human has a spark. Every spark shines brightly, showing something about the person to those who can see. Everybody is a bit divine. So the question is... Are you most like an angel or a demon?
by answering these 30 easy questions i'll tell you if you're a dark demon or a beautiful angel..
you read the question then ANSWER it first then go to the next one , okay let's start
1-First. What kind of person you think you are?
[ A ] A good one.
[ B ] I'm bad.
[ C ] Mostly neutral.
[ D ] I don't know... just normal I think.
2-You see a scared, dirty and wounded little kitty in a lonely street. In the distance you can hear the barks of huge, vicious dogs. Do you take the kitty with you?
[ A ]If she wouldn't hiss at me when I approach her.
[ B ] She's a damn cat, she'll survive on her own.
[ C ] Poor little thing, come here.
[ D ] Maybe... if that gives me good karma.
3- I am evil and you know it. Would you kill me if you have the chance knowing that's absolutely the only way to stop me from doing more evilness?
[ A ] I can understand your darkness, bro...
[ B ] NO! Everyone is good inside! I'll save you!
[ C ] I'll kill you but won't feel good about it...
[ D ]Die, you evil beast!!
4-A really hot girl/guy proposes for sex with you. You barely know her/him, but like her/his personality up to this moment. Do you accept?
[ A ] If we get along well enough... maybe...
[ B ] No, I need to know her/him more.
[ C ] Only if we both fall in love with each other.
[ D ] Yeah, I'd like some hot sex.
5-The end is nigh... are you afraid?
[ A ] Yes... I'm really scared...
[ B ] I'm in a party... I'll go away having fun.
[ C ] No, 'cause there's always hope.
[ D ] No, I hate this life anyway.
6-You awake and find that a beautiful pair of wings grew on your back while you were asleep. Your reaction:
[ A ] Yeah! Wings!!
[ B ] I'm somewhat scared, but they're beautiful...
[ C ] Quick to the doctor to take them away.
[ D ] Hmm... nice... they add flavor to my person.
7-And the wings are...
[ A ] Butterfly-like... or whisp-like... cool...
[ B ] Bird like, soft, soft colored or white.
[ C ] Dark colored, maybe feathers or leather.
[ D ] Made of light.
8-I'm a smelly old beggar who looks really ill... I say: "Hey, do ya've sum spare change for a cup'a hat coffe?". You say:
[ A ] Fuck you!
[ B ] Here, have 5 bucks.
[ C ] Go get a damn job.
[ D ] What?
9-Suddenly, I, the beggar from the last question, transform myself into a huge dark angel with blazing eyes. You:
[ A ] Run!
[ B ] Please spare me, oh, angel of wrath!
[ C ] I knew what you were the whole time.
[ D ] I'm not impressed, dude.
10-The angel of wrath results to be a demon, so you:
[ A ] Sell my soul to him.
[ B ] Fight the beast!
[ C ] We have a long chat about human stuff.
[ D ] Uh... good thing I'm already running away...
11-A pregnant woman hits you hard in the ankle with her shopping car. You:
[ A ] Smile back at her, it was an accident.
[ B ] Bless her unborn baby.
[ C ] Wish something bad for her or the baby.
[ D ] Yell at her! That hurts!
12-Naked body.
[ A ] Sinful!
[ B ] Beautiful.
[ C ] Art.
[ D ] Yay! Sex time!
[ A ] Evil!
[ B ] Just a number.
[ C ] 999
[ D ] Yes. Come to me...
14-How physically beautiful are you?
[ A ] I'm cute
[ B ] Absolutely hot.
[ C ] Aww... I'm such an ugly thing!
[ D ] I have a good look.
15-Are you intelligent?
[ A ] A real genius.
[ B ] So-so... maybe average.
[ C ] I can outsmart you whenever I want.
[ D ] Nah... I'm stupid.
16-Where will you go if you die?
[ A ] Hell or someplace great like that.
[ B ] Heaven, to exist in eternal bliss.
[ C ] Nowhere, I'll be dead. Duh!
[ D ] A really dark place where I'll be forgotten.
17-Save me...
[ A ] I have my own troubles.
[ B ] Here, have my knife and cut.
[ C ] Let me mend your weary soul.
[ D ] I'll be here, even if that's all I can do.
18-Hey, I have a million dollars here and it's for you, but if you take it, somebody you don't know and who lives far away from you, will die. Do we have a deal?
[ A ] I don't want your money, evil tempter!
[ B ] Gimme the money.
[ C ] May I think about it?
19-Okay... and what if I offer you one BILLION dollars but instead of 1 will be one hundred people you don't know?
[ A ] Yeah, more money for me!!
[ B ] I already said no to your tricks!
[ C ] Okay... I accept...
[ D ] No way! One hundred is a huge number!
[ A ] A cute baby breastfeeding. Awww...
[ B ] Being a total jerk.
[ C ] Yummy... sex...
[ D ] A night creature drinking human blood.
21-What do you like more, day or night?
[ A ] Night
[ B ] Day
[ C ] Twilight or dawn
[ D ] The void
22-Would you exchange the soul of the worst person you know in the whole world for a perfect love for the rest of your life? You needn't to do anything, just say yes or not.
[ A ] Yes, that bastard deserves it anyway.
[ B ] No... real love can't be attained by that means.
[ C ] Damn, hard question... I must think about it.
23-Your perfect relationship requires:
[ A ] Pain... love is pain...
[ B ] Great sex!
[ C ] Uh... love?
[ D ] Compromise and respect.
24-God calls you and announces the end of the world. Then asks you how you'd like it to end. Your choice is:
[ A ] Ascension or evolution of the good souls
[ B ] God's wrath, lots of blood and fire
[ C ] I can't decide that! I'd like it to go on!
[ D ] Darkness and oblivion
25-God sends you a divine gift certificate, you can exchange it for: A) True love, a happy and healthy life, and wealthy; or B) World peace and goodbye to illness and hunger.
[ A ] A
[ B ] B
[ C ] None
[ D ] Can't I have both?
26-During your childhood you were more like the bully or the bullied?
[ A ] Bullied
[ B ] Bully
[ C ] Defender of the bullied
[ D ] Sometimes one, sometimes the other
27-you are most of a good person if you:
[ A ] Attend religious ceremonies
[ B ] Help people in need
[ C ] Look for your family
[ D ] Commit no crimes
28-You are most of an evil person if you:
[ A ] Are an atheist
[ B ] Cause harm to others for your benefit
[ C ] Are indifferent to other people troubles
[ D ] Do drugs
29-I'm a little elf outside your window (and a really cute one that can also be either male or female, depending on your preferences). I think you're interesting and will stay there, looking at you. You...
[ A ] Shoot me!
[ B ] Close the courtains! Scary creature!
[ C ] Invite me in for a chat.
[ D ] Invite me in and have sex.
30-I'm a dark avenger and gonna punish you for all your evil deeds.
[ A ] Ha! I'll do even more evil, you can't stop me!
[ B ] It wasn't me! This is an error!
[ C ] I'm innocent, but I'll defend myself from you.
[ D ]Already running away...
okay you're done , let's see what's inside you