Ice cream? anyone?... o.o

Age 26


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SileNt-Sam's News

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 17th, 2013

i'm sorry for not replying to your comments and PMs :(

i've got a lot of books to read and tons of shit to study :\ sooo yeah i won't be online for a while :) 

your little Sam is gonna be a surgeon someday and i gotta work hard for that :)

wish me luck and have fun guys ^w^ 

i love you all :D 

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 12th, 2013


you know what , fuck school .. i'm gonna be a fucking psychiatric 4206973_138689286083_a94f9109ab1783fc222c5367fd21813a-d4cw2tq.png

i'm back with another test , but this one is for virgins only ^^

have you ever woundered why you're still virgin ? well , all what you gotta do is answering these questions HONESTLY and i might be able to tell you why ..

sooooo let's just do it for the heck of it and i might do it too :P

okay okay let's start this shit  4206973_138689290432_fuck_yea__by_rober_raik-d4clvrz.png






1) umm okay first things first , How often do you masturbate? 4206973_138689305221_me_gusta_by_rober_raik-d4clrpu.png

A- Hardly Ever (or not at all)

B- Occasionally

C- Regularly

D- Whenever the door is closed and I am all alone


2) When you are masturbating do you normally fantasize about someone in particular? 4206973_138689313853_why_not__by_rober_raik-d4czhw0.png

A- No, I just do it

B- Sometimes

C- Of course, always


3) When do you most want to lose your virginity?  4206973_138689318532_cereal_guy_interested_by_rober_raik-d4cluqb.png

A- As soon as possible

B- Wait until I meet the perfect match

C- I'll screw the first thing that moves my way

D- Who said I want to lose it?


4) If someone you were attracted to asked you out on a date, and then put the moves on you, what would you do?

A- Tell them I am not ready

B- Tell them to be gentle

C- Say nothing and Faint


5) What kind of experience would you like your first partner to have?

A- a little experience

B- be VERY experienced

C- It doesn't matter

D- more experience than Shadman 


6) Would you be willing to try anything kinky (something ABOVE what most people consider "normal sex") on your first time? 

A- Absolutely

B- If my partner's good at it, yes

C- Maybe, it depends on what.

D- No, at least not the first time


7) How often do you look at Pornography?  4206973_138689208952_151380.gif

A- Regularly

B- Occasionally

C- Rarely

D- Why I never!


8) Notice the difference between the last question and this one: How LARGE is your porn collection?

A- Hugh Hefner is envious

B- Plenty to get me By

C- Smaller than I'd like

D- Porn Collection? What Porn Collection?


9) Do you think that a majority of your friends are still virgins? 

A- Definately Not

B- Not entirely sure

C- I think most of my friends are virgins

D- Huh? Virgins don't have friends! 4206973_138689335043_forever_alone_by_rober_raik-d4clvo4.png


10) Are you a virgin by choice or has the opportunity just not arrived yet?

A- I have sworn celibacy

B- I am saving myself for the right person

C- Haven't had the opportunity to lose it

D- What makes you think I'd want to be a virgin? 4206973_138689462562_are_you_fucking_kidding_me_by_rober_raik-d4clstk.png


11) If you had a choice of who's bedroom you could lose your virginity in, which would you pick?

A- My Bedroom

B- Their (The Cherry Popper) Bedroom

C- Parent's Bedroom

D- Motel Bedroom


12) When on a date, how would you react if your date began to make advances on you in public?

A- Calmly tell them to stop

B- Slap them across the face

C- Turn bright red, and keep silent

D- Return the favor


13) Whom do you talk most openly with about sex? 4206973_138689344063_fumanchu_by_rober_raik-d4cwdfu.png

A- Nobody

B- Your Friends

C- Your Parents

D- Your Dates


14) If you could have sex as often as you wanted to, would you be more sexually active than most of the people you know personally?

A- Hell Yeah

B- Probably

C- I don't know

D- Not at all


15) If you could have sex as often as you wanted to AND have a partner willing, would you be more kinky than most of the people you know personally?


B- Probably

C- I can't say for sure

D- is French Kissing considered kinky?


16) Do you already know the person you want to lose your virginity with?

A- yes, but they don't know it yet

B- Yes, and they know it

C- I haven't met that person yet

D- does the person I sat next to on the bus count?


17) If your first time, your partner suggested something you're not really into, what would you do?

A- Tell them I don't want to

B- Do it anyway for them

C- Tell them I want to stop and not go further

D- Do it for them if they repaid the favor


18) I think I am still a virgin due to:

A- My Looks

B- My Attitude

C- My own personal decision

D- My Social Life (or lack there-of)


19) Now the fun part, Does the idea of getting caught having sex excite you?

A- Very Much

B- A Little

C- I don't think about it

D- No, it terrifies me


20) Are you interested in any extreme fetishes? (Bondage, Anal, Feet, Torture, etc,) 

4206973_138689392131_awesome-bondage-pic.jpg 4206973_138689403132_awesome-bdsm-pic.jpg4206973_138689412821_hot-bondage-picture.jpg4206973_138689427331_hot-bdsm-pic.jpg

A- Of course, aren't you?

B- Maybe.... 

C- I'm..... not telling



21) What gender would you like the first person you have sex with to be?

A- A Guy

B- A Girl

C- Either, I'm bi

D- The first one that wants me!


22) How do you think you will perform sexually your first time? 4206973_138689448462_bob_suspicious_by_rober_raik-d4e0gas.png

A- Great, I have studied all there is to know!

B- Good I hope

C- I'm not really sure

D- I won't last five seconds


23) Do you have role-play fantasies?

A- Yes, Alot!

B- Sometimes

C- Not really

D- What's role-playing got to do with anything?


24) How long do you think it will be before you will lose your virginity? (just give a best guess)

A- A few weeks

B- A few months

C- A few years

D- Ha! who says I'm ever gonna lose it?


25) How much do you know about sex?

A- Only what my parents told me

B- I've read all there is to read

C- Enough to know what I am doing

D- More than Shadman 


26) When you first make love, how do you think you will be around your partner?

A- Shy

B- Excited

C- Scared

D- All of the above


27) How do you think your first time will be?

A- Wonderful

B- Terrible

C- Alright

D- I really wouldn't know


28) Do you think being a virgin is a plus when dating?

A- I think it makes me seem more exciting

B- I wouldn't know

C- I don't think it makes a difference

D- I think being highly experienced is better


29) Are you shy about admitting to people that you're a virgin?

A- I am VERY shy

B- I only tell people I know really well

C- I'm not shy about it.

D- I tell everyone I am a virgin


30) What terrifies you the most about your first time?

A- My Performance

B- My Partner

C- What people will think

D- That it might never happen


ahhhhh god we're done :D i hope you answered everything honestly and you didn't get your pants down yet =.=

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 9th, 2013


Every human has a spark. Every spark shines brightly, showing something about the person to those who can see. Everybody is a bit divine. So the question is... Are you most like an angel or a demon?

by answering these 30 easy questions i'll tell you if you're a dark demon or a beautiful angel..

you read the question then ANSWER it first then go to the next one , okay let's start 




1-First. What kind of person you think you are?

[ A ] A good one.

[ B  ] I'm bad.

[ C  ] Mostly neutral.

[  D ] I don't know... just normal I think.


2-You see a scared, dirty and wounded little kitty in a lonely street. In the distance you can hear the barks of huge, vicious dogs. Do you take the kitty with you?

[ A  ]If she wouldn't hiss at me when I approach her.

[ B  ] She's a damn cat, she'll survive on her own.

[ C  ] Poor little thing, come here.

[ D  ] Maybe... if that gives me good karma.


3- I am evil and you know it. Would you kill me if you have the chance knowing that's absolutely the only way to stop me from doing more evilness?

[ A  ] I can understand your darkness, bro...

[ B  ] NO! Everyone is good inside! I'll save you!

[ C  ] I'll kill you but won't feel good about it...

[ D  ]Die, you evil beast!!


4-A really hot girl/guy proposes for sex with you. You barely know her/him, but like her/his personality up to this moment. Do you accept?

[ A ] If we get along well enough... maybe...

[ B ] No, I need to know her/him more.

[ C  ] Only if we both fall in love with each other.

[ D  ] Yeah, I'd like some hot sex.


5-The end is nigh... are you afraid?

[ A  ] Yes... I'm really scared...

[ B  ] I'm in a party... I'll go away having fun.

[  C ] No, 'cause there's always hope.

[  D ] No, I hate this life anyway.


6-You awake and find that a beautiful pair of wings grew on your back while you were asleep. Your reaction:

[ A ] Yeah! Wings!!

[ B  ] I'm somewhat scared, but they're beautiful...

[ C  ] Quick to the doctor to take them away.

[ D  ] Hmm... nice... they add flavor to my person.


7-And the wings are...

[ A  ] Butterfly-like... or whisp-like... cool...

[ B  ] Bird like, soft, soft colored or white.

[ C  ] Dark colored, maybe feathers or leather.

[ D  ] Made of light.


8-I'm a smelly old beggar who looks really ill... I say: "Hey, do ya've sum spare change for a cup'a hat coffe?". You say:

[ A  ] Fuck you!

[ B  ] Here, have 5 bucks.

[ C  ] Go get a damn job.

[ D  ] What?


9-Suddenly, I, the beggar from the last question, transform myself into a huge dark angel with blazing eyes. You:

[ A  ] Run!

[ B  ] Please spare me, oh, angel of wrath!

[ C  ] I knew what you were the whole time.

[ D  ] I'm not impressed, dude.


10-The angel of wrath results to be a demon, so you:

[ A  ] Sell my soul to him.

[  B ] Fight the beast!

[  C ] We have a long chat about human stuff.

[  D ] Uh... good thing I'm already running away...


11-A pregnant woman hits you hard in the ankle with her shopping car. You:

[ A  ] Smile back at her, it was an accident.

[ B  ] Bless her unborn baby.

[ C  ] Wish something bad for her or the baby.

[ D  ] Yell at her! That hurts!


12-Naked body.

[  A ] Sinful!

[  B ] Beautiful.

[  C ] Art.

[ D  ] Yay! Sex time!



[ A  ] Evil!

[  B ] Just a number.

[  C ] 999

[  D ] Yes. Come to me...


14-How physically beautiful are you?

[ A  ] I'm cute

[ B  ] Absolutely hot.

[  C ] Aww... I'm such an ugly thing!

[  D ] I have a good look.


15-Are you intelligent?

[ A  ] A real genius.

[ B  ] So-so... maybe average.

[  C ] I can outsmart you whenever I want.

[ D  ] Nah... I'm stupid.


16-Where will you go if you die?

[  A ] Hell or someplace great like that.

[  B ] Heaven, to exist in eternal bliss.

[  C ] Nowhere, I'll be dead. Duh!

[  D ] A really dark place where I'll be forgotten.


17-Save me...

[ A  ] I have my own troubles.

[ B  ] Here, have my knife and cut.

[ C  ] Let me mend your weary soul.

[ D  ] I'll be here, even if that's all I can do.


18-Hey, I have a million dollars here and it's for you, but if you take it, somebody you don't know and who lives far away from you, will die. Do we have a deal?

[ A  ] I don't want your money, evil tempter!

[  B ] Gimme the money.

[  C ] May I think about it?


19-Okay... and what if I offer you one BILLION dollars but instead of 1 will be one hundred people you don't know?

[  A ] Yeah, more money for me!!

[  B ] I already said no to your tricks!

[ C  ] Okay... I accept...

[  D ] No way! One hundred is a huge number!



[ A  ] A cute baby breastfeeding. Awww...

[  B ] Being a total jerk.

[ C  ] Yummy... sex...

[ D  ] A night creature drinking human blood.


21-What do you like more, day or night?

[ A  ] Night

[ B  ] Day

[  C ] Twilight or dawn

[ D  ] The void


22-Would you exchange the soul of the worst person you know in the whole world for a perfect love for the rest of your life? You needn't to do anything, just say yes or not.

[  A ] Yes, that bastard deserves it anyway.

[ B  ] No... real love can't be attained by that means.

[  C ] Damn, hard question... I must think about it.


23-Your perfect relationship requires:

[ A  ] Pain... love is pain...

[  B ] Great sex!

[ C  ] Uh... love?

[  D ] Compromise and respect.


24-God calls you and announces the end of the world. Then asks you how you'd like it to end. Your choice is:

[ A  ] Ascension or evolution of the good souls

[  B ] God's wrath, lots of blood and fire

[  C ] I can't decide that! I'd like it to go on!

[ D  ] Darkness and oblivion


25-God sends you a divine gift certificate, you can exchange it for: A) True love, a happy and healthy life, and wealthy; or B) World peace and goodbye to illness and hunger.

[ A  ] A

[  B ] B

[ C  ] None

[  D ] Can't I have both?


26-During your childhood you were more like the bully or the bullied?

[ A  ] Bullied

[  B ] Bully

[  C ] Defender of the bullied

[  D ] Sometimes one, sometimes the other


27-you are most of a good person if you:

[ A  ] Attend religious ceremonies

[  B ] Help people in need

[  C ] Look for your family

[  D ] Commit no crimes


28-You are most of an evil person if you:

[ A  ] Are an atheist

[ B  ] Cause harm to others for your benefit

[ C  ] Are indifferent to other people troubles

[ D  ] Do drugs


29-I'm a little elf outside your window (and a really cute one that can also be either male or female, depending on your preferences). I think you're interesting and will stay there, looking at you. You...

[ A  ] Shoot me!

[ B  ] Close the courtains! Scary creature!

[ C  ] Invite me in for a chat.

[ D  ] Invite me in and have sex.


30-I'm a dark avenger and gonna punish you for all your evil deeds.

[ A  ] Ha! I'll do even more evil, you can't stop me!

[ B  ] It wasn't me! This is an error!

[ C  ] I'm innocent, but I'll defend myself from you.

[ D  ]Already running away...



okay you're done , let's see what's inside you 

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 6th, 2013

even legends have to die someday...


Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 4th, 2013

i started to see hallucinations O.o don't blame me .. just listen to this 


Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 2nd, 2013

i dare you to answer these 3 questions honestly ..
if you have a lovely wife and you loved her more than anyone else and you did everything you can do to make her feel happy..
then one day you busted her with another man in bed
what would you do to her ?
and what would you to him ?
then what are you gonna do with your self ?

your wife is cheating on you

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 2nd, 2013

we all dream to be rich and we always think how would life be if we were millionaires .. tons and tons of money that can buy anything on this planet , sooo .. what's your plans to get that rich ?

how do we get rich ?

Posted by SileNt-Sam - December 1st, 2013

Fast & Furious star Paul Walker dead in fiery car wreck: Actor killed after Porsche GT driven by his friend crashed into pole
Paul Walker was the passenger in the car which spun out of control and hit a pole and tree :(

-The 40-year-old starred in five of the six films about illegal street racing and heists
-Actor had been at an event for his charity Reach Out Worldwide before deciding to take the car out to drive
-The fundraiser to benefit victims of Typhoon Haiyan was taking place in a race car shop near to the crash scene
-Guests rushed to the scene to put the flames out with fire extinguishers but the fireball had already engulfed the car
-Walker was the father of daughter, Meadow, 15, who recently moved to California to be closer to him
-Alleged driver of the car that killed Paul Walker has been identified as former race car driver Roger Rodas

rest in peace man :'(

R.I.P Paul Walker

Posted by SileNt-Sam - November 30th, 2013

play it at 3:50

Posted by SileNt-Sam - November 29th, 2013

enough internet and ps3 for this night ... it's too cold outside .. and everyone here is already dreaming .. good night guys ..

it's too late here